In the PS5 Little big planet page there doesnt seem to be anything to be honest. I am wondering if, as i spotted online, is possible to play it paying PS Plus and stream on my pc. Here's a Reddit post of someone using this method to move save data between a PS4 and PS4 Pro. I still dont own a PS5 nor a previous model of playstation, and in the meanwhile would like my daughter of 8.5 played little big planet. I have never used an external drive for this purpose, but in theory it should work. The best thing about Sackboy is that you can make him look and act exactly how you want.I have never had a 2nd PS4 connected to my PS+ account to act as a non-primary, but there are tons of "success stories" of this online.Place ticks next to the data you wish to copy, or, and select.Connect a USB storage device to the PS4 system.Instructions for how to do this can be found on. If you do not have PS+ or do not want to use the methods above, you can always backup your save files to USB drives and copy them onto the system you happen to be using at the moment. Keep your game/saves on an external drive (now that there is support for this), and transfer the whole drive between systems.However even while logged in as the same user, consecutive systems don't get this benefit and you must manually download your saves before you begin to play, and upload them for you primary to access when you are finished. Following the Spider-Man PS4 Skeletal Models & Textures Tool comes a LittleBigPlanet File Editor / Texture Viewer with source code for LBP 1, 2 and 3 called. If you have PS+, you can have a single PS4 act as primary and upload your saves to the cloud automatically.You have a couple of options to make this easy-ish, but none of which will be fully automatic: At least, I don't believe that LBP3 behaves differently from many (most/all?) other PS4 games in this way.