Lessens demand for raw materials: Recycling anything helps reduce our need to harvest raw materials.Recycling this material has an impact, as you’re lessening the amount of waste in landfills (which saves other waste from being buried or incinerated). Saves landfill space: Plastic pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet.There are sorters, mechanics, drivers, and so many other key positions. Creates jobs: When you choose to recycle your packing material, you’ll help create numerous jobs.This includes water and natural gas or oil. Conserves resources: By recycling or reusing your packing materials, you’re helping to conserve the resources used to manufacture it.This may not seem like a lot of money, but finding ways to repurpose different items can save you a lot in the long run. Saves money: Put simply, recycling this item means you won’t have to buy as much of it in the future.By reducing our carbon footprint, we’re then lowering the methane-release waste from landfills. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Recycling reduces our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.If you don’t have time to go into that much detail, here are 6 quick reasons to start recycling your bubble wrap.

You can find several of these reasons described in these books on climate change. There are so many reasons to recycle this popular product.

Recycling bubble wrap is well worth the extra steps. They can’t be accepted curbside, so you may need to find plastic bag recycling at your local grocer or pharmacy. It must be recycled alongside other plastic films, like shrink wrap. Doing so, however, requires different steps than recycling cans or bottles. This will explain why certain types of bubble wrap shouldn’t just be thrown away. 4 packaging solutions that are more sustainable than bubble wrapīefore we get into the many ways of recycling and reusing bubble wrap, it’s important to understand what it’s made of.To help you get started, we’ll be exploring a few key questions and topics related to bubble wrap recycling. All to say, once you know the basics of how to recycle or reuse this product, you’ll never just throw it in the trash can ever again.

Most of us have some experience recycling, whether you normally use technologies to reduce waste or rely on your curbside recycling bin. Yes, bubble wrap is recyclable and can be disposed of easily. This of course leads us to the central question - is bubble wrap recyclable? That’s a lot of plastic packing material to be dumped in landfills, buried, or incinerated. This is a mistake, as approximately 240,000 miles worth of this product is produced annually in the US alone. When we talk about wasteful plastic products, bubble wrap tends to get overlooked.